- Sweden job through going personally to as many companies in Sweden as you can to deliver your presentation letter and CV.
- That somebody recommends you from your previous Sweden job.
- With letters of recommendation from your previous Sweden job.
- Sweden job through sending unsolicited applications.
- Sweden job through applying as a trainee
- Sweden job through applying offering to work for free the first months
- Sweden job through the state job employment service (http://www.arbetsformedlingen.se)
- Sweden job through your social network (friends and family)
- Sweden job through friends already working in a company
- Sweden job through networking at a social event
- Sweden job through speaking with your neighbors about your situation
- Sweden job through contacting your former bosses
- Sweden job through contacting former teachers for advice or job opportunities in your field.
- Seasonal job in Sweden
- Sweden job through using the schools and universities public blackboards to find job opportunities.
- Sweden job through looking for jobs in the newspapers of Sweden
- Sweden job through answering job opportunities in newspapers appropriate to your field.
- Sweden job through answering job opportunities in professional journals or newspapers appropriate to your field.
- Sweden job through the temporary employment agencies in Sweden (Stepstone, adecco, Academic work, and Student consulting etc)
- Sweden job through registering with personnel or headhunting agencies in Sweden.
- Sweden job through going to professional private employment agencies in Sweden.
- Sweden job through using career advisory services in Sweden
- Sweden job through using social networking sites (linkedin, twitter, facebook etc)
- Sweden job through opening your own blog
- Sweden job through commenting on blogs and forums introducing yourself and expressing your need for a job.
- Sweden job through using the Internet to post your own resume.
- Sweden job through placing your own ad in a newspaper or on the Internet.
- Sweden job through advertising yourself in professional association publications
- Sweden job through posting your CV in a database of a job portal
- Sweden job through posting your CV in a database in a recruitment company.
- Sweden job through posting your CV in a database of a company
- Sweden job through using job portals to look for specific job opportunities that you can send your CV to jobs website.
- Sweden job through entering to the websites of the companies you are interested, and see if they have new job vacancies
- Sweden job through trying with small and medium companies and not just the big and international companies.
- Sweden job through trying to find any unpublished job opportunities.
- Sweden job with online career round tables in the big companies.
- Sweden job through going to career fairs in Sweden
- Sweden job through asking in your embassy
- Sweden job through going to places where employers go to pick out workers, for example: unions.
- Sweden job through by yourself, using yellow pages to call employers in those fields you are interested and ask them if they're hiring.
- Sweden job through grouping together with other job-seekers.
- Sweden job through changing a hobby into a job.
- Sweden job through becoming a local handyman.
- Sweden job through becoming a Freelancer
- Sweden job through offering yourself as a consultant.
- Sweden job through working as a volunteer, hoping to get a permanent job later on.
As you have read this is a very complete list of ways how to find a job in Sweden. If you know any other way to find jobs in Sweden please post here, so i can update the list. And give me your comments on this page.